LL1681 Bulletin 005 – Local Lodge E-Mail List

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Your local lodge has begun to use an online service to manage our email list. The service is called MailChimp and is widely used by many non-profit (and for profit) organizations.

Joining the list is very easy. You can visit our website (www.iamaw1681.ca) and click on the “Join Our Mail List” link at the top or bottom of the page. You can also scan the QR code below on your smart phone and it will take you directly to the signup page.

QR Code Image

Currently there is only a weekly digest of all posts made to the website. It will be distributed every Monday at 0800. More options will be available in the coming months. You will be able to change your subscriptions easily online.

Keep yourself in the know. Join the mailing list. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@iamaw1681) and on Facebook (IAMAW1681).


In Solidarity,
Robert Nolan
Recording Secretary

Bulletin 005 – Local Lodge E-Mail List