March 20, 2023
This announcement is a reminder that the vote to select three (3) members to serve as delegates to the 23rd DL 140 Annual Convention, and the Recording Secretary for the remainder of the current term (April 5th 2023-December 31st 2025), will be held on April 4th, 2023, the date of the next general meeting.
Polling stations will be located at:
Interview 1 Meeting Room at the Renaissance Edmonton Airport Hotel (4236 36 St Edmonton International Airport, AB)
Wildrose Conference Room at the Calgary Airport Marriott In-Terminal Hotel (2008 Airport Rd NE, Calgary, AB).
The polls will be open from 0730-2030 hrs.
The following names are on the ballot, running as delegates to represent LL1681 at the DL 140 Convention:
Brother Colin Bunner, Brother Eljay Camponi, Brother Russ Dillon, Brother Tyler Englert, Brother Rene
Grenon, & Sister Adele Van Arkens
The following names will appear on the ballot, standing for election to become the next Recording Secretary:
Sister Barb Kartz, Brother Robert Nolan
The Executive encourages all members to have their voices heard, by heading to the nearest poll and vote!
In Solidarity,
Eljay Camponi