Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Transportation District 140 of the IAMAW is preparing to distribute certain funds that remain in its
possession as a result of a September 12, 2012 Arbitration Decision that assigned $55M to the Union
to cover the cost of the Air Canada Separation Packages under Order 9996-U.
In October 2012 the Union advised its Members that, if the $55 million was more than the amount
necessary to pay the packages, the Union would look at a further distribution of these excess funds to
give some relief to former Air Canada employee groups that the Arbitrator ruled were not eligible to
receive a package under the Order.
The Union will now equally distribute these remaining funds, less statutory deductions, to former
Aveos Members who were employed at Air Canada on January 31, 2011, who opted to retire or
resign from Air Canada as part of the Aveos transition process, and who were still working at Aveos
at the time of its closure.
A list of eligible Members, by employee numbers and cities / bases (attached), who are deemed to
have met the eligibility requirements for this final distribution, has been posted on Transportation
District 140’s website at www.iam140.ca.
All former Aveos Members who were employed at Air Canada on January 31, 2011, who took an
option to retire or resign as part of the Air Canada / Aveos transition process and who were still
working for Aveos at the time of its closure are responsible to review and confirm that their employee
number and city is on the list.
If a Member believes that they meet the eligibility criteria but their employee number and city
is not shown on the list they must contact their respective Shop Committee within 30 days of
the posting of the list and this bulletin.
THE 30 DAY REVIEW PERIOD WILL CLOSE AT 19:00 EST on November 21, 2014. At that time a
finalized list will be formulated and the excess funds will be divided equally between those Members
on the finalized list. There will be no further recourse to Members not on the distribution list
posted on Transportation District 140’s website if they have failed to contact the Union within
the 30 day posting period.
It is the responsibility of former Members on the lists, who have moved since the closure of Aveos, to
contact their respective Shop Committee to ensure that their mailing information is up-to-date.
Shop Committee contact information:
Toronto – YYZ Phone: 905-676-2243
Montréal – YUL Phone: 514-422-6845
Calgary – YYC Phone: 403-616-7335
Winnipeg – YWG Phone: 204-783-2217
Vancouver – YVR Phone: 604-273-8135
In Solidarity,
Fred Hospes, President & Directing General Chairperson
Transportation District 140, IAMAW