8th Fire Gathering

Your local lodge executive has chosen to be a sponsor for the 8th Fire Gathering.

“The 8th Fire Gathering will be three days of inspiring speakers, powerful performances, informative sessions, interactive workshops, and engaging activities. 

The focus of The 8th Fire Gathering will include presenting and sharing information on Idle No More, Human Rights Issues, Workers & Union Rights, Aboriginal Treaty Rights, Indigenous Sovereignty and Canadian Sovereignty, the Environment, Community Activism, Progressive Politics, 2015 Federal Vote, and the future of Canada. 

The goal of the 8th Fire Gathering is to share knowledge, experience, insights, and information; build relationships and expand networks; and inspire, empower and enable people with the tools and knowledge required to take action and make positive change. Collaboration is the driving force behind the 8th Fire Gathering, individuals and organizations are each an integral part of that powerful dynamic.”

Our “Bronze Level” sponsorship allow members to attend at a discounted rate.  If any members are interested in attending, please speak to a member of your local shop committee.

More information on the 8th Fire Gathering can be found here.